Saturn in the First House in Astrology is said to represent the individual’s sense of self, their personal identity, and how they project themselves out into the world. This placement is said to give Saturn a strong influence over the individual’s physical appearance and how they are seen by others.
Saturn in the 1st house the Horoscope is also said to indicate a need for the individual to learn lessons around self-discipline, patience, and perseverance. These lessons may be learned through difficulties and challenges that are experienced in life. However, if these lessons are learned, Saturn in the first house can also bring rewards such as success, respect, and recognition from others.
So in this article, we will be going through the detailed in-depth analysis of Saturn in the first house, through some handpicked Ancient Classical texts such as Brihat Hora Shastra(Brihat Jatak), Saravali, Chamatkar Chintamani, Phaldeepika & Bhrigu Sutram.
So without any further Ado, let us start the first article of the Saturn series.

- What is the Significance of Saturn in the First House as per Vedic Astrology?
- What are the characteristics of the planet Saturn?
- Views From Other Classical Texts On Saturn In The First House.
- What are the effects when Saturn transits in the First House?
- What Does Saturn In The First House of Navamsa Lagna Mean?
- Remedies For Saturn In The First House.
- FAQ for Saturn In the 1st house.
ऊँ शनैश्चराय नमः

What is the Significance of Saturn in the First House as per Vedic Astrology?
As per Vedic Astrology, the first house in astrology is known as the house of self. It represents the way that you see yourself, how you project yourself out into the world, and your physical appearance.
Therefore, Saturn’s placement in this house has a strong influence on your sense of self and how you are seen by others.
Saturn is known as the planet of karma, and its placement in the first house indicates that you may have some karmic lessons to learn in this lifetime around self-discipline, patience, and perseverance. These lessons may be difficult to learn, but if you can master them, Saturn in the first house can bring rewards such as success, respect, and recognition from others.
If you have Saturn in the 1st house of your birth chart, it is important to remember that challenges and difficulties are a part of life and should be seen as an opportunity to learn and grow. With time and patience, you can overcome anything.
What are the characteristics of the planet Saturn?
Let us see below what Varahamihira Acharya said in the Hora Shastra 2nd Chapter- 11th Sloka to understand the Characteristics of Saturn.

The nature of Saturn is lazy, it has yellowish eyes, a Lean & Tall body, Long teeth, Rough hairs, Vaata Temperament(Windy) & it rules over the nervous system in the body. So all these qualities will be there if Saturn occupies the first house.
But always note that there will be mixed results if
- Any other planets occupy or aspects of the first house.
- Lagna lord has the conjunction or aspects of other planets.
Coming back to the point, take a look at the verses from the Hora Shastra -18th Chapter- 9th Sloka where it explains what happens when Saturn is placed in the first house.

The above sloka from Hora Shastra says when Saturn is placed in the first house, one who is poor, diseased, with high sexual urge, stays unclean & dirty, suffered many health issues in childhood & one with an indistinct speech.
But in the same 18th Chapter- 9th sloka itself, it again says as below.

Varahamihira Acharya then says “Guru Swarksho Ucchasthe Nri Pathi Sadrisho” which means If the Lagna becomes Dhanu(Sagittarius), Meen(Pisces), Makar(Capricorn), Kumbh(Aquarius) or Thula(Libra) & Saturn occupies any of them, then he will become equal to the king & will become the protector of the villages or town(“Nri Pathi Sadrisho Graama Purapa”).
Then he said “Suvidvaam Charvaango Dinakara Samonyatra kathitha”.
This means he will have good knowledge & will be learned, with a beautiful organ (body). If Saturn occupies in the Lagna other than these said houses, then the results will be similar as said for the planet Sun.
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Views From Other Classical Texts On Saturn In The First House.

Now let us learn what other classical texts have to say about Saturn’s placement in the first house.
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Bhrigu Sutram on Saturn in the 1st House
Now let us learn what Sage Bhrigu says about Saturn in the 1st house. Sage Bhrigu has given a brief explanation in the first seven sutras of the 7th Chapter. Those 7 Sutras from the Bhrigu Sutram are given below in order.

Bhrigu Sutram Chapter 7- Sutra -1 says “VataPittaDeha” which literally means one who is troubled by Vata & Pitta temperament & so this will result in Rheumatic(Vata) & diseases related to Bile(Pitta).
In Hora Shastra, it said Saturn here increases diseases related to Vaata(Wind) but here Sage Bhrigu says troubles from Vata & Pitta.

Bhrigu Sutram Chapter 7 Sutra-2 says “Ucche Paragraamadipaha” which says if Saturn is Exalted & placed in the first house then the native will rule over a village or town & will have authoritative power in hand. Then next it says “Dhana Dhaanya Samridhi” which means he will also be financially sound & will benefit from the agricultural business.

Bhrigu Sutram Chapter 7 Sutra-3 says “Swakshe Pitru Dhanavaan” which means if Saturn is placed in his own house(Swakshetra) which is Capricorn(Makar Rashi) & Aquarius(Kumbh Rashi), then the father of the person will be rich.

Bhrigu Sutram Chapter 7, 4th & 5th Sutra says“VahaneShaka Karma Shetre”“MahaRaajaYoga”
Meaning: Saturn when placed in the first house which should be the sign of the 4th or the 10th lord, then the person will be very fortunate(BahuBaagyam) & will enjoy the benefits of Maharaja Yoga(King size life).

Let me break it down & explain this in detail.
1) Sage Bhrigu says if Saturn is placed in the first house which is the sign ruled by the 4th lord. So in this case, it is the sign Sagittarius & Gemini. For Sagittarius Lagna(Dhanu Rashi) Jupiter is the 1st & the 4th lord as shown in the (FIG-1), same in the case for Gemini Ascendant (Mithun Lagna), Mercury is the lord of the first & the 4th house as shown in the (FIG-2)
So in short Sage Bhrigu says if Lagna becomes Sagittarius or Gemini & if Saturn is placed in Lagna, then it will give rise to Maharaja Yoga.

2) Similarly, Sage Bhrigu says Saturn should be positioned in Lagna(First house) & the Lagna lord should own the 10th house.
So here there are only two houses that can be, one is the sign Pisces(Meen Rashi) & the other is the sign Virgo(Kanya Rashi).

So in short Sage Bhrigu says if the Lagna becomes Virgo(Kanya Rashi) or Pisces(Meen Rashi) & if Saturn is placed in there, then also it will give rise to Maharaja Yoga as shown below in the (FIG-3 & FIG4)

Bhrigu Sutram Chapter 7 Sutra-6 says “ChandraMasa Dristhe Bhikshukee Vrithaha”
Meaning: The 6th Sutra says if Saturn is placed in the first house & if the Moon aspects Saturn, then the native will live a life of poverty & by begging.
But the Sutra-7 says Subha Dristhe Nivrithi, which means if the negative results will get canceled if Saturn is aspected by benefic planets such as Jupiter or Venus. Always note that if any malefic planet is aspected by a strong benefic planet, then its negative results will get nullified.

Phaldeepika on Saturn in the 1st House.

PhaldeepikaChapter-8th-23rd Sloka says if Saturn is in the 1st house exalted(Uccha in Tula Rashi) or is in Swakshetra(in his own signs Capricorn & Aquarius) then the person will live like a king or will have the authority of a village or town.
If Saturn is placed in any other signs, then the person will be always unhappy in childhood & will be very poor & lazy.
Saravali on Saturn in the First House.
Saravali says the same effects as said in the book Phaldeepika.
Chamatkar Chintamani On Saturn In The First House.
Chamatkar Chintamani says the person will have many properties, will be very lucky, greedy, will be sad, narrow-minded & will win over his enemies.
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What are the effects when Saturn transits in the First House?
Transits or gochar is mainly taken from the moon sign. But while doing horoscope analysis we consider the transit of planets over the natal Lagna also. But when Saturn transits the first house of the moon sign, it is said as the person is going through the Sade Sati Period.
Usually, this period is considered to bring major health issues, loss of wealth, operations, accidents, etc. But the results completely depend on how Saturn is placed in one’s horoscope & the score of Saturn in the Ashtavarga chart.
Gochar & Vedha are one of the important factors to find the positive & negative results of transits. The Vedha sign of Saturn when it transits the moon sign is the same moon sign itself. This means if any planet joins Saturn in the moon sign, then the evil effects of Saturn will get nullified & will start to get good results, instead of bad effects.
Now let us go through some examples. In Fig A-1, the moon sign is Capricorn(Makar Rashi) & Saturn is transiting over it. Now as explained above, if any other planet joins Saturn in the first house the evil results are get canceled & good results start to overflow. Now if you see Venus joins Saturn in the Fig A-1 chart, so negative results will get nullified until Venus stays in the sign Capricorn.
What Does Saturn In The First House of Navamsa Lagna Mean?
Basically, the Navamsa chart is used to understand the exact strength & weaknesses of a particular planet & to know about one’s life after marriage. So if Saturn is in the first house of Navamsa Lagna, then we can say there will be good stability in life after marriage.
But it gives positive results only if Saturn is placed in the house of benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus & Mercury) or it occupies its own house(Capricorn & Aquarius) in Navamsa Chart without the aspect & conjunction of any malefic planet.
Remedies For Saturn In The First House.
To achieve something in life, you should be able to come out of your comfort zone. That is what Shani Dev teaches us to do hard work & success will follow you. When he is afflicted in horoscope, it makes the person Lazy.
Determination & hard work is always the key to success & there is no shortcut to it. If you are ready to change & follow these steps, then I am pretty sure nothing can stop you from being successful in life.
People with the weak & afflicted Saturn in the first house always lack vitality. They will have a very low oxygen level in the body due to a lack of proper nutrition, proper rest & exercise.
Try to wake up at 5 am or at least before sunrise. Get started with some cardio exercise & then shift to basic yogic exercises such as Pranayama or you can find a certified guru to learn meditation.
Meditation will help you create drastic changes in your life by balancing all the 5 elements in your body. If Saturn is weak in one’s horoscope, then more importance should be given to the basic Chakras especially on the Mooladhara chakra while doing meditation.
Nowadays there are many spiritual & yogic organizations that are doing a great job of spreading the right knowledge & helping people make great changes in their life. I would personally suggest checking out the Sahaj Marg Raja Yoga Meditation, as they have many branches which are working for free across the world.
Chanting the Shani Dev mantra daily after taking bath in the morning, and fasting every Saturday will help improve the overall strength of Saturn In the 1st house in one’s horoscope. Now check out the Shani Dev mantra in the youtube video below which I personally found very useful & easy to follow.
FAQ for Saturn In the 1st house.
What is the meaning of Saturn in the first house in astrology?
Saturn in the first house makes you feel like an attentive, thoughtful individual and provides an authentic attitude and unflinching attributing on the locale. It could cause you to put on an appearance of being an uncontrollable, cold, and calm-mannered person in the normal routine of your daily life. Unafflicted Saturn in the 1st house can usually develop the traits of being trustworthy, steady fair, honest, and loyal people. You fulfill all your obligations with enthusiasm.
Does Saturn in the first house always mean late success in life?
Not really, this is mainly in the case when Saturn is found afflicted in the Lagna, weak or when Saturn is found debilitated in the navamsa chart. Unafflicted strong Saturn makes the native a firm-minded person & will never back down from any challenges put in front of him.
What happens when the Lagna lord is Saturn?
Saturn becomes the Lagna lord when the native is born either born in Capricorn (Makar Lagna) or Aquarius Ascendant (Kumbh Lagna). Saturn in the sign Capricorn or Aquarius gives rise to “Sasa Maha Yoga” which is one of the most powerful yogas in Panchamahapurusha Yoga. As per Brihat Jataka, the native will have inborn leadership qualities and will acquire other’s women, houses & wealth. the native will be chief of towns, villages & army, will have eye troubles, general prosperity & permanent wealth.

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My dob is 5/5/87 7:32 PM trivandrum
Saturn retrograde in Lagna Scorpio
Always thing are late in life.. As us said, as soon as I start putting hardwork and start settling and see the results some unknown reason disturbs my mind and pulls me down… I am really stuck.. I was so patient till now… As months go by, getting hard… Especially career and such… Either missed chances at last second or if I get a chance, fall from the position… One thing some unwanted or unknown fog clouding my mind…
Do please analyze my details sir.